Today was my first day of school as a tenth grader.
I reached to school late, saw my friends and discovered that most of my favorite teachers weren't there. The principal gave this long speech and after that we were introduced to our new teachers. I got new Arabic, Physics, Chemistry, Art, Music, and S.ST teachers..
I met the Physics, S.ST, and Art teachers.. They're not bad.
There weren’t any new students in my class. I hate that.. No one to pick on.
Anyway, the head of the English Department came to our class and explained what we we're going to do this year. We're starting SATs.. We were supposed to choose the subjects we wanted to study this year and study them only, I was happy cause I won't have to take all the boring subjects I don't want, but the principal just thought it wasn't a good idea to do that this year..
Ah well.. Just have to wait one more year.
Our Science subjects were separated at last, Thank God.. The past years we took Biology, Chemistry, and Physics together.. In one book.. Them separated would be easier for me.. I won't have to write the three in a examination paper all together anymore.
Math will be different this year too.. We'll have four different Math books.
And Social Studies, we're not having Social Studies in Arabic anymore! Wohoo!
My Math teacher will teach us Social Studies as well.
We're going to write PreSAT in January, then we'll write SAT 1 in May. I'll have to study harder this year.. That means no more 4 hours a day internet. :(
A couple of teachers came up to me today and asked to buy one of my paintings.. ( Drawing is one of my hobbies ) That's just great! My paintings are worth buying! :D I'll earn money for doing something I enjoy.. I hope I'll be able to reach the amount of money needed to get the laptop of my dreams.
I reached to school late, saw my friends and discovered that most of my favorite teachers weren't there. The principal gave this long speech and after that we were introduced to our new teachers. I got new Arabic, Physics, Chemistry, Art, Music, and S.ST teachers..
I met the Physics, S.ST, and Art teachers.. They're not bad.
There weren’t any new students in my class. I hate that.. No one to pick on.
Anyway, the head of the English Department came to our class and explained what we we're going to do this year. We're starting SATs.. We were supposed to choose the subjects we wanted to study this year and study them only, I was happy cause I won't have to take all the boring subjects I don't want, but the principal just thought it wasn't a good idea to do that this year..
Ah well.. Just have to wait one more year.
Our Science subjects were separated at last, Thank God.. The past years we took Biology, Chemistry, and Physics together.. In one book.. Them separated would be easier for me.. I won't have to write the three in a examination paper all together anymore.
Math will be different this year too.. We'll have four different Math books.
And Social Studies, we're not having Social Studies in Arabic anymore! Wohoo!
My Math teacher will teach us Social Studies as well.
We're going to write PreSAT in January, then we'll write SAT 1 in May. I'll have to study harder this year.. That means no more 4 hours a day internet. :(
A couple of teachers came up to me today and asked to buy one of my paintings.. ( Drawing is one of my hobbies ) That's just great! My paintings are worth buying! :D I'll earn money for doing something I enjoy.. I hope I'll be able to reach the amount of money needed to get the laptop of my dreams.
I hope you pass in you SAT tests.Good luck.
yeah..but this year is going to be GREAT..!:D highschool is not so bad after all..:)
Your principal's speeches are very long, no wonder our parents hate going to the Parents' meetings.
What? Social Studies is now taught in English?! :-p .. Interesting :D
Yes, we're doing Social Studies in English because we're doing this American Diploma thing.
It's so boring.. Arabic S.ST is so much better..
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